
Intro Theory

Music 105-106, an intensive, yearlong "boot camp" for music majors, covering a wide variety of theoretical ideas and musical styles. At this point, my handouts for the classes are extensive enough so that a textbook is unnecessary. (In fact, the handouts may someday become a textbook in their own right.) Since people outside the university have occasionally asked for copies, I am making them available here. (Assignments are also available upon request, to qualified parties.)  Please let me know if you find any errors or unclarities!

Music 105 Handouts Music 106 Handouts

Automatic roman-numeral analysis correction

To help students learn to do Roman-numeral analysis, I have devised a system of automated chorale-analysis correction. Visit this site, enter an analysis, and you will receive a report that says how your analysis diverges from mine.  (NB: my analysis is not always the correct one; I make errors myself, and in many places there are multiple good analyses.)

Advanced Theory

I also teach Music 306, an advanced theory class based on my book A Geometry of Music. I have written up a few solutions to problems in the back of the book, which I will mail to teachers upon request.

Composition, etc.

I also teach a variety of composition-oriented classes, including graduate seminars and an advanced undergraduate composition workshop. Someday I hope to have useful materials to share about these subjects.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to offer private lessons to non-University students.  However, I have been teaching (with Chris Theofanidas, Amy Beth Kirsten, and many other talented musicians) at the highSCORE festival in Pavia, Italy; so if you want to work with me you can apply there.

Academic History

My undergraduate degree is from Harvard, where I designed my own major in Composition, Music Theory, and Aesthetics. I then did two years of graduate work in Philosophy at Oxford University, but found (was told) it wasn't for me. Eventually, I got a Ph.D. in Music Composition from the University of California, Berkeley. I've taught philosophy and music at Harvard, Berkeley, and Princeton. I started at Princeton in 2002.